Combine the right


Whether letting, managing condominiums or selling your property – I offer you comprehensive and professional services for all aspects of your property.

With my in-depth experience and personal commitment, I take care of the administrative, legal and technical management of your property. From letting and maintenance to the annual financial statements: Your property is in the best hands with me.

I will also reliably guide you through the entire sales process to ensure a successful conclusion.

The most important services

for your property

Administrative management

Administrative tasks include drawing up and monitoring rental agreements, collecting rents, managing tenant deposits and supporting tenants in all administrative matters. Efficient and smooth processes are ensured.

Technical management

Maintenance and organisation of necessary repairs as well as regular checks on the status of the building. Coordinating with tradespeople and ensuring that the property is maintained in perfect condition at all times helps to secure its long-term value.

Condominium property

Professional and transparent management of communal facilities. This includes organising owners’ meetings, implementing resolutions and safeguarding the interests of all co-owners.

Rental property

Comprehensive management of rental property, including all organisational activities from billing to maintenance.


Professional and transparent management of communal facilities. This includes organising owners’ meetings, implementing resolutions and safeguarding the interests of all co-owners.


Comprehensive support throughout the entire sales process – from the optimal presentation of the property, pricing and negotiations through to notarisation, in order to achieve the best possible sales success.

Mein Service beruht auf


Mein Service beruht auf Zuverlässigkeit, Transparenz und persönlichem Engagement. Ich lege großen Wert darauf, Ihre Anliegen zeitnah zu bearbeiten und sicherzustellen, dass alle Aspekte der Hausverwaltung reibungslos ablaufen. Von der Betreuung der Mieter bis hin zur Wartung der Immobilie – ich stehe Ihnen stets als direkter Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung. 

Dabei garantiere ich eine klare und offene Kommunikation, damit Sie jederzeit über den Zustand und die Vorgänge rund um Ihre Immobilie informiert sind. Ihre Zufriedenheit und der langfristige Werterhalt Ihrer Immobilie stehen für mich an erster Stelle.