

Selling a property is a crucial step that requires careful planning and expertise. With my extensive knowledge and experience, I will support you in every step of the sales process – from the first viewing to pricing and signing the contract.

I will ensure that your property is optimally presented and successfully marketed in order to achieve the best possible sales proceeds for you. I will be at your side as a trustworthy partner and provide you with reliable support right through to completion.

The mandate to sell is governed by Art. 412ff OR, brokerage contract. Under the brokerage contract, the broker is commissioned, in return for remuneration, to provide evidence of the opportunity to conclude a contract or to broker the conclusion of a contract. The brokerage contract is generally subject to the provisions on simple contracts. The usual services include

  • Property inspections before the start of sales preparation

  • Compilation of the sales documentation

  • Determination of the sales price in agreement with the client

  • Organisation of advertising in suitable media

  • Viewings, negotiations with prospective buyers

  • Final negotiations: Supporting the notary in drawing up the purchase contract including preliminary contracts, checking payment of the purchase price, organising the notary appointment, etc.

Fee recommendations:
  • Apartment blocks 1.5% to 3.0%
  • Residential and commercial buildings 1.5% to 3.0%
  • Single-family houses and condominiums 2.0% to 3.0%
  • Individual properties in condominiums 2.0% to 3.0%

Mein Service beruht auf


Mein Service beruht auf Zuverlässigkeit, Transparenz und persönlichem Engagement. Ich lege großen Wert darauf, Ihre Anliegen zeitnah zu bearbeiten und sicherzustellen, dass alle Aspekte der Hausverwaltung reibungslos ablaufen. Von der Betreuung der Mieter bis hin zur Wartung der Immobilie – ich stehe Ihnen stets als direkter Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung. 

Dabei garantiere ich eine klare und offene Kommunikation, damit Sie jederzeit über den Zustand und die Vorgänge rund um Ihre Immobilie informiert sind. Ihre Zufriedenheit und der langfristige Werterhalt Ihrer Immobilie stehen für mich an erster Stelle.