

The management of condominiums and co-ownership requires special sensitivity and sound expertise. I am at your side as a reliable partner to protect the interests of all owners and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

From the management of communal facilities to the organisation of owners’ meetings, I take on all the tasks required for efficient and transparent management. So you can be sure that your property is professionally managed and that the community functions optimally.

Administrative management

Letting / tenant matters

Letting of all properties by means of suitable advertising, obtaining information about prospective tenants (from the landlord and employer), dealing with other tenant matters (repairs, monitoring order in the house, monitoring house/laundry room regulations, etc.), checking rents and all contractual ancillary costs and adjusting them in agreement with the owner, concluding, renewing and cancelling rental and lease agreements, reporting vacancies, key control (property, tenants, caretaker, general)

Letting / tenant matters Representation of the owner in all legal matters vis-à-vis tenants, neighbours and authorities as well as arbitration boards in rent and lease matters, provided that no legal representation is required.
Appointment management

Letting / tenant matters

Conclusion, renewal and cancellation of insurance contracts, review and adjustment of the scope of cover, in agreement with the owner, conclusion, renewal and cancellation of service contracts for facilities and equipment in agreement with the owner, review and adjustment of the scope of services, in consultation with the owner

Technical management

Acceptance and handover of rental properties

Acceptance and handover of rental properties in the event of a change of tenant, preparation of minutes and any necessary correspondence (e.g. notices of defects), preparation of accounts (final accounts) in the event of a change of tenant, deposit releases, notification of changes of tenant to authorities (third-party reporting obligation)

House maintenance
  • Drawing up and monitoring the house / laundry room regulations and the laundry schedule
  • Concluding, renewing and cancelling caretaker contracts in agreement with the owner
  • Appointment and introduction of the caretaker to the area of responsibility based on the specifications and regular monitoring of the caretaker’s work
Management of operating installations
Ensuring that the lifts, heating, air conditioning, laundry rooms, etc. are functioning properly (excluding tenants’ own extensions), taking out service subscriptions where usual (e.g. service subscription for roof, heating, lift, etc.), purchasing heating energy
Supervision, maintenance and repair work, renovations and conversions
Regular inspection visits to the property to check the overall condition, placing orders within the scope of the authorisation amount for precautionary and necessary repairs and maintenance work with tradesmen, contractors and suppliers, emergency repairs and maintenance work in the event of a change of tenant can be commissioned by the management without the prior consent of the owner. Monitoring and control of the orders placed, charging on of repair and maintenance work to the tenant in accordance with current case law, cooperation of the management in the settlement of warranty claims, timely notification of claims to the insurance company and processing of the same while safeguarding the interests of the owner, renovations / conversions.
Income and expenditure
Collection of rents, ancillary costs on the due date and all credit balances arising from the tenancy, including dunning procedures Processing of security deposits, share in favour of the owner (deposit), checking and payment of invoices, charging tenants for repairs and maintenance in accordance with the rental agreement and current case law. Payroll accounting for the caretaker incl. accounting of social security contributions, payments to the tenants and processing of the security deposit in favour of the tenant (deposit)
Financial accounting including preparation of the annual financial statements
Keeping the property accounts, preparing the annual financial statements for the property at the end of the accounting period, keeping the heating and operating cost accounts and preparing tenant statements, checking the bank account, setting up a savings account on request (e.g. for reserves)

Mein Service beruht auf


Mein Service beruht auf Zuverlässigkeit, Transparenz und persönlichem Engagement. Ich lege großen Wert darauf, Ihre Anliegen zeitnah zu bearbeiten und sicherzustellen, dass alle Aspekte der Hausverwaltung reibungslos ablaufen. Von der Betreuung der Mieter bis hin zur Wartung der Immobilie – ich stehe Ihnen stets als direkter Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung. 

Dabei garantiere ich eine klare und offene Kommunikation, damit Sie jederzeit über den Zustand und die Vorgänge rund um Ihre Immobilie informiert sind. Ihre Zufriedenheit und der langfristige Werterhalt Ihrer Immobilie stehen für mich an erster Stelle.