The management of condominiums and co-ownership requires special sensitivity and sound expertise. I am at your side as a reliable partner to protect the interests of all owners and ensure that everything runs smoothly.
From the management of communal facilities to the organisation of owners’ meetings, I take on all the tasks required for efficient and transparent management. So you can be sure that your property is professionally managed and that the community functions optimally.
Meetings, resolutions, representation and scheduling
Convening and chairing the annual owners’ meeting, keeping the minutes of resolutions, implementing and coordinating community resolutions, presenting the annual financial statements and annual budget, following up on changes to regulations and usage rules.
Representing the client in all legal matters vis-à-vis tenants, neighbours and authorities.
Conclusion, renewal and cancellation of insurance contracts, review and adjustment of the scope of cover in agreement with the owner, conclusion, renewal and cancellation of service contracts for facilities and equipment in agreement with the client, review and adjustment of the scope of services.
Collection of contributions on account incl. reminders, checking and payment of invoices, payroll accounting for the caretaker incl. accounting of social security contributions
Keeping the property accounts, preparing the annual financial statements for the property at the end of the accounting period, keeping the heating and operating cost accounts and preparing the owners’ statements, checking the bank account, managing the fund assets (savings account renewal fund) and reclaiming withholding tax
Mein Service beruht auf Zuverlässigkeit, Transparenz und persönlichem Engagement. Ich lege großen Wert darauf, Ihre Anliegen zeitnah zu bearbeiten und sicherzustellen, dass alle Aspekte der Hausverwaltung reibungslos ablaufen. Von der Betreuung der Mieter bis hin zur Wartung der Immobilie – ich stehe Ihnen stets als direkter Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung.
Dabei garantiere ich eine klare und offene Kommunikation, damit Sie jederzeit über den Zustand und die Vorgänge rund um Ihre Immobilie informiert sind. Ihre Zufriedenheit und der langfristige Werterhalt Ihrer Immobilie stehen für mich an erster Stelle.